In this digital age, the concept of E-commerce is ruling the market for more than 10 years now. People are now keener to go for online shopping to save their time and energy. Now, there are hundreds of E-commerce sites struggling to make their own place in the market. Therefore, in this fierce competitive market, it has become a very difficult thing for the e-commerce sites to be on the top.

As it is all about online marketing, proper strategy is very important to stay ahead in the market. To shed light on your digital marketing path and make your journey smoother, you have to know different aspects of building an e-commerce website from scratch. It’s always a good idea to do lots of initial research before you begin any new venture. If done right, an e-commerce platform can be a fruitful endeavor, and people will definitely be drawn by it. If you are new in the field of e-commerce business, here are 14 unbeatable digital marketing strategies for you.

Indulge in Product Visualization

Consumers rely on visualization more than just information. Moreover, most of them even do not have time to read the whole information to know the detail about any product. Therefore, using exceptional product visualization is always apt for your e-commerce sites. There are many beneficial tools that allow people to zoom in, out, go for a 360-degree view of your product. A better visualization of the product can increase engagement up to 30%.

Add Video of the Product

Along with images, adding videos is just like the cherry on the top. If you have something g to show, it is always ideal to show it in action. This will increase the interest of the consumers. A video about the product description will always help the buyers to have a better idea about the product and they will be able to take the right decision.

AI is the New Game Changer-

You should know that AI can bring a significant change in your e-commerce business. AI has the capability of collecting information and providing those to the customers by analyzing the previous buying behavior. Apart from that, it can also analyze the search queries of the customers and provide them with required information. AI can have a brilliant impact on measurable metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, traffic etc.

Go for Product Filtering with Cutting Edge-

You need to go for product filtering on your e-commerce sites. Your customers do not have that much time to scroll down the website for convoluted inventory plans. Therefore, you need to make things easier for them. Make sure that the time they invest in your e-commerce site are less and productive at the same time.

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Introduce ChatBots

This is also a part of AI that can help bring a lot of customers on your e-commerce website. Your conversational ai assistants can be one of the best mediums for communication. If you can get back to your customers instantly, it will make the shopping process much hassle-free and also increase the credibility of your brand.

Chatbots are not only great customer service reply method but also can make great salespeople. They can bring in instant sales by notifying the customers about the recent deals and discounts.

Make Your Delivery Super-Fast

You should work on your delivery options to make it convenient for the customers, even looking into drone delivery (Click Here) if you have the capacity to expand that way. The main thing that you need to remember is most of the customers do not buy a product because the delivery options do not suit them. Therefore, work on your delivery process and make it super-fast.

Work on Cart Abandonment

More than 70% of the customers abandon cart because of the added shipping charges that unnecessarily surpass the actual price. Due to inconvenient delivery options, customers do not buy the products that are added in the cart. The first thing you should do is introduce something unique so that your customers never delete the cart and buy them in the long run.

Concentrate on Wish List

A wish list will help you understand the preferences of the customers. If you notice that the products that are added to the wish list are expensive and your customers cannot buy those due to affordability, then you should provide them with something more. You can provide discount on the favorite skirt that your customer has added to the wish list but could not buy it for budget. Your sale will increase, and people will depend on you and only you.

Rely on User Generated Content (UGC)

No digital marketing can survive or last without proper content marketing. However, posting large contents with only information wont help you. This is the age of user generated content; therefore, it is important for you to make it easy for the users. You can add hashtags in your posts. Apart from that, adding a separate place to post reviews is a great move for increasing sale and making your customers happy.

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Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

No one has time to sit on a table, open the PC and check your website. The whole world is now operating computer over mobile phones. Therefore, it is of paramount important for you to make your site mobile friendly. When most of the customers can access your site via iOS and Android phones, automatically the traffic will increase as most customers can visit your website easily.

Focus on Personalizing

AI makes everything simpler and personalization is the key. By understanding your customers need, it is important to provide them with proper options according to their needs. If you do so, customers will be readily considering your site as the best e-commerce site.

Consider Re-targeting

For any e-commerce site, it is important to re-target the customers. You should know when your potential customers are online and when are they searching for particular product or service. If you keep them updated, they will come back to you. While they visit your site, show them the product they are searching for with a quick link for completing their order placement.

Quick Payment Online

Customers often get frustrated when they have to visit a lot of pages for completing their online payment. If you make the procedure easier for them, they will definitely opt for you. Make sure that the payment procedure is completed within one page and customers do not have to wait much to get it done.

Encourage Purchase from Social Sites

Facebook and Instagram have options to buy a product directly from the feed. This is indeed a very happening thing in digital marketing. Instead of compelling every customer to visit your site, provide them with the option of buying something directly from the social media platform. You can also consider migration services for a successful commercetools migration. With such an integration solution, you can distribute your products across all the social media channels and successful digital commerce.

These strategies can help your e-commerce site to reach to the zenith of success. When you apply these effective strategies to boost your business, you can make your position strong in the market.