Search engine optimisation is a necessity for all online businesses or websites that want and need traffic. Implementing this has to be done properly in order to be effective and the best way that you can do this, if you’re not an expert yourself, is to outsource the task.

If you have an understanding of the world of SEO or suddenly find that the number of visitors to your site has gone done; this could be because of a Penguin update and you can tackle this yourself if you choose to do so. You can head it off before it becomes as issues as well by following a few simple rules.

Google Penguin UpdateGoogle regularly updates and makes changes to the rules of page ranking and this can affect your site. The Penguin update is designed to stop spam sites from overriding the system and to ensure that the results they give the surfer are relevant. This process may mean that your ranking status goes down and can result in less traffic depending on the severity of the change. This is inevitable as Google tries to keep the customer happy and cannot possibly check every individual site online in detail.This can mean your page is dramatically moved down the rankings and in order to fix this, there are a few things you can check out.

Sometimes the Penguin update can go in your favour and you could find yourself suddenly moving up the rankings. But, if not, then here are the things you need to consider. Over optimised sites are picked up by Google so check the keywords in your content and make sure that you are not over doing it. If your site is for outsourcing services, for example, having ‘outsourcing services’, or ‘visit our website’, in your content 30 times is not going to do you any favours where your ranking is concerned.

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If you have too many links into your site from others that are not relevant to yours; Google will see this as ‘cheating’ the system and will not appreciate the effort or money you have spent. Duplicate content is picked up as well – Google wants their customers to benefit from unique, relevant content so duplications are not beneficial in any way.

Article writing for optimisation is a great way to keep the traffic flowing via the use of keywords and links although, as with these other things, don’t overdo it because you will be seen to be spamming and knocked down a peg or two. In moderation, article writing for optimisation is a sure way to get those extra visitors.

Working continually to ensure you are keeping up with the game is important as the more care you take with your optimisation; the less likely you are to fall when these updates are done. Staying on their side of the playing field will be highly beneficial. Visit our website via Google to get the best expert advice and for information on article writing for optimisation.

Google are fair in most instances and are simply looking to ensure their customers get exactly what they are looking for. They try to operate on a naturally popular basis and so the rules need to be followed as closely as possible if you don’t want to be effected.