Blogging for small business is not dead however your blog can be, in case your post fails to attract readers and cater to their interest. What type of blog post would you prefer – a long and hard to read one or a short blog written in simple language? Certainly you would prefer a blog of the second type. A blog that is too long, don’t have a proper concept, difficult to understand and confusing will certainly fail to attract readers.

If you do not want to miss a single opportunity to increase the visitors of your blog, you should make an attempt to write a killer blog. A killer blog!!! What is it? By killer blog what is meant is a blog that will lead to quality discussion, can be shared over the social networking sites and, as a result, generate business for you.

What does a killer blog consist of?

Killer idea – this is the first thing that your blog should have. Your blog should encompass an interesting concept that can effectively capture the imagination of the readers and engage more and more readers. The blogging world is not that easy; it is the biggest challenge to do so. Next is the content which is the life of your blog and which can hold the attention of your readers.
When you are writing a blog, you can use some other media to enhance its concept. Any blogger would expect that a reader will not only visit his blog but will stay to it until its ends. Now, the question is how you can create such a blog that can engage readers to your post.

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Here are 12 simple steps for you in this regard. Go through them right now!

Tips to Create a Killer Blog

  • Headlines should be eye-catching. A sweet and short headline has the power to entice greater number of readers and traffic for you blog. Headline is the first thing that catches the attention of the visitors in the first go.
  • Using creative images in the blog makes it all the more interesting and attractive to the readers.
  • The opening paragraph has to be engaging. A quote or thought-provoking sentence in the first paragraph not only captures the imaginative power of the readers but also compels them to run through the post.
  • Flesh out the main idea of your blog into paragraphs. Breaking your blog into paragraphs makes it much more interesting than a continuous paragraph.
  • Using bullet points and highlighting important part of your blog are other essential aspects of writing a killer blog.
  • Add life to your post by adding pod-casts, videos and images. Just a text cannot draw the attention of the visitors effectively.
  • Adding one good photo and a short bio is a great way of making your blog distinct and unique.

Get this deal for you, if you desire to have more traffic for your blog and at the same time create a strong bond with the readers.

About Contributor:  Michael Kayne is a qualified data online backup support professional who can give you all kinds of advice for creating an impressive blog. Get in touch with him.